As part of the Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges project (3rd edition), we invited Francis Faubert Cloutier to accompany us on a series of visits to 10 SDC Côte-des-Neiges businesses that took part in the project.
Interview with
Zhaolin | Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges

Find out more about your local Côte-des-Neiges merchants and professionals! // Looking back on our meeting with : Zhaolin Ma, Owner of Restaurant Délicieux & Beau Thé
Zhaolin Ma and Restaurant Délicieux: Stability and a Lot of Humor
It was in 2014 that Zhaolin Ma embarked on a new adventure with Restaurant Délicieux, which has been located in Côte-des-Neiges since 2005. After spending three years in France as an IT professional, Zhaolin ventured into the restaurant business to regain control of his time. “I was fed up, plain and simple!” Even though the project was less romantic than he thought, the young man admits that he had to learn everything. “It goes beyond cooking; I even learned how to change plumbing!” he says with a laugh.
Restaurant Délicieux offers a fusion of Chinese and Thai cuisine. Their specialties include sweet and sour sauce, Tao chicken, and fried rice. “People have been coming here for almost twenty years; they know the taste. Everything has remained the same – the price, the flavors, and the portions.” Personally, I was tempted by the dumplings, and truly, I was not disappointed!
Over the years, the restaurant has succeeded in building its reputation, and the evidence speaks for itself. According to Zhaolin, the key to success is stability. Customers know what to expect when they take a seat in the dining room or when they place they order takeout. The experience will inevitably be delicious, hearty, and affordable.
The dynamic atmosphere of the neighborhood is a clear advantage for the restaurateur in Côte-des-Neiges. Many students enjoy the dishes prepared at Délicieux, as well as tourists and employees from nearby institutions. Zhaolin particularly appreciates the openness of the local citizens. He always gives them a warm and friendly welcome. When I asked the former IT professional if he misses his life before, he replied with a big smile and mischievous look in his eyes, “No! We move forward, that’s life!” and then, headed to the cash register where a customer awaited: “Hi, my friend! Did you enjoy your meal?”
For me Côte-des-Neiges is: dynamic.
Côte-des-Neiges pour moi c’est : Dynamique
Copywriter: Francis Faubert Cloutier
Photographer: Gaelle Leroyer
Art direction: Félicia Balzano (SDC Côte-des-Neiges)
Complete the experience by visiting the free exhibition from September 7 to December 5, 2023.
After a great success in 2021 and 2022, the SDC Côte-des-Neiges is proud to present the third anniversary edition of its Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges project through an exhibition on the Promenade Jean-Brillant from September 7 to December 5, 2023, as well as online interviews accessible via QR code on each panel.
The aim of this initiative is to put citizens in touch with businesses in the territory of the Société de développement commercial (SDC) Côte-des-Neiges. Through a series of portraits of 10 shops and businesses, we get to know 14 local business owners and managers. This social and cultural project is a real encounter with the human side of business life.
In this third edition, you’ll discover men and women, young professionals and established entrepreneurs, all from different cultures and backgrounds, with a diverse range of commercial offerings. The common denominator? Their love for Côte-des-Neiges.
This project is an initiative of the SDC Côte-des-Neiges, made possible through collaboration with the Maison de la culture CDN and the borough of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.