As part of the Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges project (3rd edition), we invited Francis Faubert Cloutier to accompany us on a series of visits to 10 SDC Côte-des-Neiges businesses that took part in the project.
Interview with
Jérôme and Natalia | Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges

Apprenez-en plus sur vos commerçant.e.s et professionnel.le.s du quartier de Côte-des-Neiges ! // Retour sur la rencontre avec : Jérôme Mariaud et Natalia Mariaud, Propriétaires de la Librairie La Chenille
Find out more about your local Côte-des-Neiges merchants and professionals! // Looking back on our meeting with : Jérôme Mariaud et Natalia Mariaud, Owners of Librairie La Chenille
Jérome and Natalia: Tailored Booksellers
Open since last February, La Chenille stands out as a one-of-a-kind bookstore. This little treasure trove, run by Jérome and Natalia, never ceases to surprise its visitors. The couple of owners, passionate about literature, psychology, sociology, philosophy, art, and education, pour all their love into uncovering relevant and thought-provoking books. Guided by the randomness of discoveries, Jerome and Natalia hunt for books based on encounters and significant moments they gather throughout their journeys.
“Since my childhood, it was my dream to open a bookstore,” Natalia confides with sparkling eyes. Even though this shop represents a side project to their professional careers, Jerome and Natalia attach great importance to it. “We are discoverers. We love selecting books, discovering, and offering a certain diversity while still being sure of what we sell,” assures Jerome. “We are at the intersection of everything that interests us. It’s also a way of building up a treasure that we share,” he continues.
Chance and coincidences are intrinsic to the process at La Chenille. From the booksellers’ quests to the customers’ findings, it’s possible to let go and trust the signs. Right at the beginning of their adventure, when Natalia called about renting the space, the person who had committed to renting it backed out three minutes before. Furthermore, the place previously housed a bookstore, which is a remarkable coincidence. When the stars align!
At the entrance, a table overflowing with books somewhat resembles a bazaar. No marketing arrangement impedes our desire for exploration. “We attract people who resonate with us. We wanted to make the bookstore like a box of surprises,” emphasizes Jerome. Despite the appearance of disorder, all you have to do is pick up a book to discover a hidden gem, a striking text, or a tome that will broaden our horizons.
The La Chenille bookstore precisely embodies that kind of mythical place where the book you must read awaits you, and it has the potential to change the course of your life. Here, this book has been carefully selected by the hearts and minds of Jerome and Natalia. It’s a beautiful invitation to dive into the pleasure of discovery!
For us Côte-des-Neiges is: A village
Copywriter: Francis Faubert Cloutier
Photographer: Gaelle Leroyer
Art direction: Félicia Balzano (SDC Côte-des-Neiges)
Complete the experience by visiting the free exhibition from September 7 to December 5, 2023.
After a great success in 2021 and 2022, the SDC Côte-des-Neiges is proud to present the third anniversary edition of its Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges project through an exhibition on the Promenade Jean-Brillant from September 7 to December 5, 2023, as well as online interviews accessible via QR code on each panel.
The aim of this initiative is to put citizens in touch with businesses in the territory of the Société de développement commercial (SDC) Côte-des-Neiges. Through a series of portraits of 10 shops and businesses, we get to know 14 local business owners and managers. This social and cultural project is a real encounter with the human side of business life.
In this third edition, you’ll discover men and women, young professionals and established entrepreneurs, all from different cultures and backgrounds, with a diverse range of commercial offerings. The common denominator? Their love for Côte-des-Neiges.
This project is an initiative of the SDC Côte-des-Neiges, made possible through collaboration with the Maison de la culture CDN and the borough of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.