As part of the Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges project (3rd edition), we invited Francis Faubert Cloutier to accompany us on a series of visits to 10 SDC Côte-des-Neiges businesses that took part in the project.
Interview with
Anne-Marie | Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges

Find out more about your local Côte-des-Neiges merchants and professionals! // Looking back on our meeting with : Anne-Marie Jelen, Owner and speech therapist of Clinique d’orthophonie Les Mots à Coeur
The Speech Therapy Clinic Les Mots à Coeur: Gentleness at the Heart of Anne-Marie Jelen’s Words
Right from the start, Anne-Marie Jelen’s office is an oasis of calm and tranquility. No childish decorations, and the toys are carefully concealed. Every detail has been meticulously thought out to direct the children’s attention. “I avoid overstimulating them and I make sure to slow them down,” confides the speech therapist. In a world where fast-paced lifestyles and numerous distractions are omnipresent, Anne-Marie suggests slow communication. “I encourage parents to take their time. Everyone is always in a hurry, so slowing down is beneficial for everyone,” she gently asserts.
After dedicating a significant part of her career to school and hospital, including 10 years in child psychiatry, Anne-Marie decided to take the leap into the private sector. “I dreamt of professional autonomy, of work fully aligned with my values.” In 2019, she founded the “Les Mots à Coeur” clinic in her beloved neighborhood, Côte-Des-Neiges. Being a global citizen herself, she recognizes that the children she receives are often multilingual and come from all corners of the world. For her, it’s an asset that also represents great communication challenges.
“I can truly afford to spend time with the children, the time they need, it suits me better,” she emphasizes. “I work directly with the child and take the time that’s needed with the parents to discuss strategies and answer their questions, all in a friendly and warm atmosphere!” Without a doubt, Anne-Marie greatly appreciates the luxury of being able to accompany a child and their family for as long as necessary to allow them to improve at their own pace.
The speech therapist highlights the importance of working in partnership with parents, as well as with daycare providers, asserting that cooperation with the different environments in a child’s life is essential to maximize learning. “I take great pleasure in working in partnership,” she assures.
Driven by a passion for interpersonal communication, Anne-Marie has also been trained in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), a method of communication based on qualities such as empathy, harmonious cooperation, and respect. “A tool I couldn’t do without anymore! A child who feels listened to, understood, and respected in their needs will gradually regain confidence, become more open to learning… and naturally flourish while respecting their individuality!”
For me Côte-des-Neiges is : welcoming
Copywriter: Francis Faubert Cloutier
Photographer: Gaelle Leroyer
Art direction: Félicia Balzano (SDC Côte-des-Neiges)
Complete the experience by visiting the free exhibition from September 7 to December 5, 2023.
After a great success in 2021 and 2022, the SDC Côte-des-Neiges is proud to present the third anniversary edition of its Portraits of merchants & professionals of Côte-des-Neiges project through an exhibition on the Promenade Jean-Brillant from September 7 to December 5, 2023, as well as online interviews accessible via QR code on each panel.
The aim of this initiative is to put citizens in touch with businesses in the territory of the Société de développement commercial (SDC) Côte-des-Neiges. Through a series of portraits of 10 shops and businesses, we get to know 14 local business owners and managers. This social and cultural project is a real encounter with the human side of business life.
In this third edition, you’ll discover men and women, young professionals and established entrepreneurs, all from different cultures and backgrounds, with a diverse range of commercial offerings. The common denominator? Their love for Côte-des-Neiges.
This project is an initiative of the SDC Côte-des-Neiges, made possible through collaboration with the Maison de la culture CDN and the borough of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.